Testing the Historicity of the Crucifixion Pt 2 of 4 | Episode 2

January 22, 2022 EFDAWAH Episode 2
Testing the Historicity of the Crucifixion Pt 2 of 4 | Episode 2
Show Notes Chapter Markers

A continued (part 2) live stream on the topic 'the historicity of the crucifixion' with Ijaz Ahmed & Hamza. Christian's are welcome to join the panel.

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Purpose of the stream
Topics covered in the previous stream
Brother Imran joins
Invitation to Christians to challenge the panel
1st guest: Sahih Luke joins
Discussion on Psalm (37: 28) relating to Crucifixion
Discussion on the Eyewitnesses of the Crucifixion of Christ & authorship of the Gospel of John
What is Comparanda ?
Christians not discussing main topics
Late existence of Crucifixion Verses in Manuscripts
Lack of Historicity of crucifixion from Non-Christian sources
Internal inconsistencies in the New Testament regarding the crucifixion
Scrutinizing the Historicity of the Crucifixion
Yusuf (Ex-Christian & now Muslim): shares his Background
Richard joins
Discussion on the Explanation of the expression of: "Jesus yielding up his spirit."
Discussion on the context & meaning of the previous verse
Historicity of the Crucifixion in & outside the New Testament
What were Jesus's last words on the cross ?
Analysing the Bible as Non-Christians
What was written on the sign above Jesus's Head ?
Internal incoherence between the four Gospels
Translations of the previously discussed verse
Priest not allowed to tear his clothes as per the Torah
Christians rejecting the Gospel of Barnabas due to its inconsistencies but not the other Gospels
Authenticity of 1 John 5: 7
Authenticity of the Gospel of Barnabas, Authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Mike: The term "Giving up the Ghost" being a Hebrew idiom for dying in the Bible
Gnostic Sources vs Overall consensus of Historical Crucifixion
What Gnostic Book predates the antiquities of the Jews ?
Discussion on other sources of Crucifixion
Scrutinizing Josephus as a Non-Christian source of Crucifixion
Scrutinizing the Christian Sources of Crucifixion
Three Main Principles of Historiography & testing the Historicity of Gospels through them
The Gospel writers not being the Eyewitnesses of Crucifixion & writing about it long after the event
What was written above the cross as per the Gospels ?
The Doctor's Diagnosis 🩺 of the authors of the Gospels & their recording of the crucifixion event
Jesus's last words being different in the Gospels
Scrutinizing the Historical Accuracy of the Crucifixion of Christ & other inconsistent events/parts in the Bible
Discrepancies in Bible vs Qur'an
Why Muslims reject the Biblical Scholarship about the history of Crucifixion
Why does the Bible have Contradictions if it is inspired by God ?
Ariel joins
Establishing the Historicity of Crucifixion (Analysis of Josephus as a Non-Christian source of Crucifixion)
Absence of Historical evidence for John the Baptist & Herod the Great & correlating it with the crucifixion
Brother Ijaz's response to the previous argument
Tampering with the text of Josephus
Connection issues of Ariel
Sola S joins
Asking question unrelated to the topic
Christians not joining the stream & Discussion on the arguments of the guests
Refuting the Christian example given explaining the Eyewitness account of the Bible authors
Nathan: Punishment for rebellion in the Roman Empire & was Jesus PBUH a rebel ?
Which Jesus was released by the Romans: Jesus Barabbas or Jesus Christ ?
Who was Jesus Christ ?
Idea of Jesus PBUH not being crucified being Pre Islamic
Did Josephus witness Jesus's Crucifixion ?
Qur'an on the crucifixion of Christ
Brother Abbas joins & inviting Christians to join
Christians not being able to challenge the claims of the panel
Brother Abbas's take on the Bible Contradictions
Brother Ijaz exposes Chris Claus
Papias interrogating the Disciples of the Elders
Inviting Christians to join the stream and challenge the panel
Reason for doing such livestreams
Summary of the stream
Christians in the chat not joining the stream
Advice for the Christians & giving them Dawah
Christian Apologetics' propaganda against Islam
Former Christians in the chat questioning their beliefs & finding Islam
Where to find Brother Ijaz's work ?
Book Recommendation by brother Hamza: "The Mysteries of Jesus" by Ruqaiyyah Maqsood
Closing Statements and Wrapping Up